Friday 22 January 2016


The last time we saw Jacelyn and Jessica it was a bit of a beat up.

Jacelyn said something mean.

Jessica was not offended. Her self esteem is too good for that.

As a matter of principle she does not like mean people.

Jacelyn knew she was about to get her clock cleaned and tried to make amends.

For her efforts she was (instead) treated a bit more "gently".

Other than a certain amount of pain and being choked out a couple of times no real injury.

When all was done Jessica asked Jacleyn if she had anything to say at that point.

To which Jacelyn asked Jessica if she could buy her a drink.

Jessica accepted.

A fun dance spot and a couple of cocktails.

A quieter bar on the way back from that and another glass of wine.

The questions is asked and accepted again.

So now they're in a hotel room.

Jessica asks,

"Is a few drinks how you always take advantage, or were you that desperate to be on top?"

Jacelyn replies,

"Only a few drinks. Better to ensure everyone remembers everything tomorrow."

"And do you always insist on keeping at least half guard? Did I forget to get the lights?"


"It's dark enough already. Leave them on."

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